There are many types of
electrical lamps and in each one, electricity is used in slightly different
ways to give us light.
In ordinary light
bulbs, there is a filament through which runs an electric current, and when
this glows, it produces light. If a filament is exposed to air, it will break
in a moment that is why it is enclosed in a glass bulb in which there is a
vacuum or gas which will not make it burn out.
This type of lamp gives
out a warm light. There is also a filament in a halogen lamp, but the bulb is a
little cylinder of quartz in which there are vapors of a halogen chemical.
This also gives a
beautiful warm light. halogen lamps are often used for car headlights
Fluorescent lamps give
out a whiter light, with gas flowing through a current.
This current stimulates
the gas electrons which react by giving out light. the gases mostly used are
neon, argon, sodium, and mercury.
Slightly : Sedikit
Different : Berbeda
• Ways : Cara
Exposed : Terkena
Current : Arus
Vapors : Uap
Quartz : Batu Kuarsa
• Glow : Memancarkan Cahaya
Fluorescent : Berpendar
Unusual : Luar biasa
Common : Keadaan yang biasa
Messy : Morat-marit
•Excellent : Unggul
Awesome : Mengagumkan
kak , boleh tau ndak terjemahan teksnya ??? biar lebih paham :)
BalasHapusdibalas ya kak :)